Find what you seek!

House hunting isn’t easy. It can’t be done without devoting to it much time. It’s a full time job.

Your future home is likely awaiting in the hands of one my colleagues, or with a Notaire, a lawyer or a management company.

By giving us your instruction to search for you, you will save valuable time, avoid useless viewings and access portfolios that are not listed on the standard web sites and outlets.

You will greatly increase your probability of finding what you are looking for.

When you hire us, we can’t say exactly when we will come up with a property for you but we do promise to use all the means at our disposal to do so.

Our method has proven itself.

Call us to discuss it.
Galerie de l'immobilier
48, rue Mazarine 75006
Legal notices - 48, rue Mazarine 75006 Paris - Phone : +(33) 1 56 24 44 26 - Fax : +(33) 1 56 24 93 13